Last January 10th, took place the official presentation of ATTRACT EDIH, one of the three European Digital Innovation Hubs, co-financed by the Digital Europe Program and PRR. of which DTx – Digital Transformation CoLAB is one of the coordinating entities, together with INESC TEC and DSPA – Data Science Portuguese Association.
The ATTRACT EDIH consortium has 24 national partners of reference and excellence in the areas of technology and innovation who intend to collaborate and support national companies and Public Administration, in digital acceleration with emphasis on AI e HPC solutions.
During the event, highlights for the presentation of the service catalog that is now available to companies, as well as the sharing of some use cases for the application of AI and HPC solutions, among which we highlight the Digital Quality + Project, developed by DTx CoLAB in partnership with the Associate Celoplás, Plásticos para a Indústria, S.A., presented by Ana Cortez.
The official presentation of ATTRACT took place at Palácio do Freixo, in Oporto, and was also attended by representatives from several companies and entities, such as ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação and Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, who demonstrated their support for ATTRACT.
More about ATTRACT here: