The colaborative lab was founded on the 10th May 2018.

The colaborative lab was founded on the 10th May 2018 with the clear purpose of leading the digital transformation in the organizations, processes and competences in Portugal, directly involving their associates to that purpose.

At a time strongly marked by a new Scientific and Technological Revolution, DTx aims to boost innovation through all the product development chain, from the conception of the idea until the wealth of experience of the final consumer, when they acceed to the cyber-physical systems that develop and transport the product through a cybernetic platform.

This innovative component, which we intend to introduce, involves all the life-cycle of the smart product: maintenance, repair and recycling, and should be conceived taking into account a social and economic context in constant change and evolution.

Along with their associates, DTx intends to be a benchmark player and decisive in the development and industrialisation of products, devices and smart applications, at a national, an European or an international level.